by admin | May 15, 2013 | Games, Gamification |
We like what we like. That’s usually how it goes, but when somebody asks you why you like it – that question can either stop you in your tracks to deeply ponder all the intricate reasons that you like something, or the answer can instinctively rise fast above like a...
by admin | Jun 2, 2012 | Games, Gamification, Innovation, Market Research |
Jan 27, 2012 by Betty_Adamou On February 4th 2010, which seems like a lifetime ago now, I remember commenting on a Research Live article. There were several key figures who had summed up in one word what they thought Market Research would ‘be’ in 2010. Some people...
by admin | May 25, 2012 | Games, Gamification, Innovation, User Experience |
Written by Betty Adamou August 2, 2011 If you are like most people you’ve probably arrived at this page in the hope of finally being able to understand what this word (which doesn’t quite sound like a real word) ‘Gamification’ means and are wondering why you’ve...
by admin | May 25, 2012 | Avatars, Games, Gamification, Market Research |
I carry out workshops on gamification for the MRS in London and just a couple of months ago ran one in Toronto for NetGain. The delegates who attend are all researchers in some capacity or another. Some of the delegates have no idea about what gamification is before...
by admin | Oct 26, 2011 | Games |
Written by Oscar North October 26, 2011 By Oscar North. Oscar is an Intern working at Research Through Gaming Ltd as a Research Game Developer. He is studying at the City University London. “Are you winning?”. A question I was often asked as a youngster playing video...
by admin | Oct 25, 2011 | Games, Gamification, Innovation |
Written by Betty Adamou October 25, 2011 To drive, I am told, can give a wonderful sense of freedom to the driver. Many believe the car is an extension of the self, in which the vehicle is accessorized in a way which reflects the owner. Unfortunately, I have never had...