by admin | Oct 25, 2011 | Games, Gamification, Innovation |
Written by Betty Adamou October 25, 2011 To drive, I am told, can give a wonderful sense of freedom to the driver. Many believe the car is an extension of the self, in which the vehicle is accessorized in a way which reflects the owner. Unfortunately, I have never had...
by admin | Oct 17, 2011 | Gamification |
Written by Betty Adamou October 17, 2011 I was thinking not so long ago, how most people I have met in Market Research just ‘found themselves’ in the industry without growing up aspiring to be researchers or indeed taking any University courses to qualify them and...
by admin | Aug 2, 2011 | Gamification, Market Research |
Written by Betty Adamou August 2, 2011 If you are like most people you’ve probably arrived at this page in the hope of finally being able to understand what this word (which doesn’t quite sound like a real word) ‘Gamification’ means and are wondering why you’ve...
by admin | Apr 13, 2011 | Avatars, Games, Gamification, Innovation, Market Research |
The below article was said by Adam Warner, the Research World Connect Editor, to be the websites most read article, which is where this first appeared. We thank RW Connect for allowing us to share this piece here. To view this article on RWConnect, please click here....