
With the #MRXVineComp closing MONDAY 25th March (midnight GMT, you still have time!) we’ve got together the 10 entries we’ve had in so far. AND the #MRXVine Comp has been #1 in the Top 10 most retweeted #MRX tweets according to Jeffrey Henning:http://tinyurl.com/azz9tpq (Thanks Jeffrey!)

So far the entries are:

  1. From Join the Dots, UK.
    Category: ‘Promo’ https://vine.co/v/bXX03zuIqUw | @WeJoinTheDots

  2. Karen Schofield of Join the Dots, UK.
    Title: ‘Kev the Parrot’
    No Category. http://youtu.be/pq374B-dbts | @Karen_Schofield

  3. Chris Panetta of Widmeyer Communications, U.S.A.
    No Category. “Negative correlation between M&M’s & Focus Group notes” https://vine.co/v/bX1ImqqjHPB | @cpanetta77

  4. Carrot intelligence, UK.
    Category: ‘Promo’. https://vine.co/v/b66QtjEVLJg | @carrotmrrecruit

  5. Vibhor Pandey of Metrix Consulting, Australia.
    No Category. https://vine.co/v/brP3ZO5mVtz | @ivibz

  6. From the people at the Georgian Research Analyst Program, Georgian College
    Title: ‘Social Meme-ia’

  7. Sarah Mebrahtu, David Wiszniowski and Stephanie Danielle of Georgian College
    Title: ‘Jurassic Research!’
    No Category. https://vine.co/v/bp1MV3WXHQI | @mebbby | @dWiszard and @StephMcI

  8. David Wiszniowski and Stephanie Danielle of Georgian College
    Title: ‘Research Through Memeing’
    No Category. https://vine.co/v/bpJFVgZaQAx | @dWiszard and @StephMcI

  9. Peter Harrison of BrainJuicer, UK.

    Title: ‘One Future of Market Research’

    Category: ‘The Future’. https://vine.co/v/bwzLatVKKKI | @Peter_Harrison

  10. Asa Goldman, Daniel Jackson and Ben Brubacher of the Georgian Research Analyst Program, Georgian College:
    Title: ‘Survey Overload!’
    Category: ‘Common MR probs’ @GeorgianRAP

  11. Sarah Mebrahtu, Georgian College
    Title: ‘Angry Brids Research’
    Category: No Category @mebbby | @GeorgianRAP

We’re looking forward to seeing more entries, so get filming!

The categories are as follows:

  1. Promo Sum up your business in 6 seconds!
  2. Common probs Tell us about your common MRX problems (a 6 second description of issues you usually run into – I imagine some of these will be quite humorous!)
  3. The Future Sum up your view of the future of Market Research in 6 seconds.
  4. Successes Tell us about success stories (a 6 second overview of your successful MRX projects)
  5. Your love for MR: 6 seconds showing us why you love research and/or working in research!
