Over the past month, we have received some wonderful entries to our MRX Vine Video


Competition. Making a 6 second video is a lot harder than anyone could imagine and although it can be short in duration, we are sure that many of our participants took a great deal of time putting their videos together. For that, we thank everyone who submitted a video, well done you budding Spielbergs!

And so, to the judges favourites…

In Second Place, congratulations goes to Carrot Intelligence for their colour matching game. A fantastic use of the pause element in the Vine App.

Carrot intelligence, UK.
Category ‘Promo’: https://vine.co/v/b66QtjEVLJg | @carrotmrrecruit

And now for the winner…


The MRX Vine Competition Winner is David Wiszniowski, Sarah Mebrahtu and Stephanie Danielle of Georgian College with “Research Through Memeing’. Well done for a your clear and witty definition of common MR problems.

David Wiszniowski, Sarah Mebrahtu and Stephanie Danielle of Georgian College

Title: ‘Research Through Memeing’
No Category. https://vine.co/v/bpJFVgZaQAx

‏@dWiszard and @StephMcI

Once again, thank you for ALL your submissions and for the effort you all went to. We saw some really creative 6 second vids and some very funny ones indeed!

For those who haven’t checked out all the entries yet, you can find them on our original post.

Well done again to our winners and THANK YOU ALL for taking part!
