
By Betty Adamou Founder & Chief ResearchGame Designer. Twitter: @BettyAdamou

At beginning of 2018, I was still ¾ of the way through writing my book, Games and Gamification in Market Research. I was not just writing, but editing, and getting reviews from industry peers to make further improvements. So the year started off much how I ended 2017: totally immersed in The Book project. Needless to say, the project took over my life! But – personally and professionally it has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. And part of that sense of reward is down to the readers.

As with anyone producing creative work, you are at once passionate, determined and finding yourself pushing personal blocks you didn’t even know you had, but on the other hand is the Crippling Fear: is it going to be good enough? Will I ever finish this? And will people engage with it?

Luckily, I have had a group of people who had spurred me on to start and finish writing The Book, and be a better writer and editor of my own work in the process. And even more luckily, every week since the book was published, I’ve been sent social media posts where people are showing off their copies in their homes and offices or saying they’ve ordered their copy. I am over-the-moon that people feel engaged enough with the subject of Games and Gamification in Market Research, and with me, to send these posts so I can see copies of my book around the world. It has made the process totally worth the graft.

So thank you:

  • Thank you to every single person that has liked and commented with your kind words of support on every social media post about my book (and I know, there’ve been a lot of posts!).
  • Thank you to every person who bought a copy and sent a photo of them opening it, reading it, or even dancing with it!
  • Thank you again to every reviewer who shared their feedback about the book to me personally, and online.
  • Thank you to every organisation and individual that has given the book such wonderful publicity. From being invited as a special guest on BBC Radio, to having wonderful conversations on Market Research podcasts such as Data Guru’s, NewMR and RFL Online, and contributing articles to magazines like Analog and Aedemo.

In this day and age, where there are so many fantastic books that help market researchers with our work, I am humbled that Games and Gamification has had the reception and publicity it has had, has sold over 250 copies since it’s 3rd Nov launch, and a handful of UK universities have already stocked copies in their libraries.

And for those of you that have bought the book: with your own copy, you get access to the Secret area of the book companion website. The passcode for the Secret area is noted in Chapters 8 and 11. Just type in the passcode when prompted and enjoy the secret goodies you find there!

So thank you – to each and every reader of my book – for making 2018 extremely special. And thank you to our RTG clients, colleagues, suppliers, partners and of course our participants who have made this year a success, with many new interesting projects started, wrapped-up and ongoing into 2019.
We hope all our readers have a wonderful New Year, and hope you’ll join the RTG team and me for more adventures (and exciting announcements!) next year!